Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Burlington Marathon Skier Sightings!

It was a busy holiday weekend in Burlington! The Vermont City Marathon & relay took place on Sunday, so there were lots of festivities surrounding that event. The total participation amounts to something like 8000-9000 folks. I was lucky to take part in a 5-person relay along as the NENSA team along with Abby Weissman (NENSA), Matt Trueheart (Middlebury High School coach), Sarah Dominick (MWSC athlete/coach), and Jake Whitcomb (former Middlebury College skier). Even with a 10-15 minute snafu, we still managed 9th in our division (out of 493) with a 3:13 time!

On Monday morning we got a group of Mansfield Nordic Club athletes together for holiday training in Jericho. After some juggling and warmup, we went through our 8x 30" legspeeds on the track. We even put a few hurdles on the track and Emma Hamilton and Anna Franceshetti showed us just how smooth it is possible to get over 'em. The boys and I were probably jumping 10" above the hurdle, and our lack of flexibility made it look more like a bucking bronco than anything.

Henry, Ethan, Amy, Tatum, and Emma kickin' it

We then did an intro to spenst (I'm sore) and finished with our first few minutes of rollerskiing this season. I'm keeping the focus on fun and skills, so all we did was play some games, figure-8's, and long-glide/slalom type drills.

"Kill the Carrier". Just kidding - "keep away"
The full list of skiers that I saw at the marathon:
  1. Callie Braun - CVU / MNC
  2. Sam Longenbach - CVU /MNC
  3. Emmett Peterson - CVU / MNC
  4. Sienna Searles - CVU / MNC / St Lawrence
  5. Anna Franceshetti CVU / MNC
  6. Sean Delaney - CVU / MNC
  7. Eli Enman - Sleepy Hollow / VTXC / MNC / CVU
  8. Sheldon Miller Craftsbury
  9. Erica Lustgarten - mother of Midd / St Lawrence
  10. Kort Longenbach - father of CVU / MNC
  11. Jared Supple - Colby
  12. Liz Hollenbach - NWVT
  13. Eric Barker - Coach @ MMUHS
  14. Will Sweetser - MaineWSC
  15. Sarah Waterman - Coach @ MMUHS
  16. Paul Allison - MNC Coach (2:36!!!)
...I'm sure there were lots more!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Spring Training & other thoughts

We continued our spring training this past Monday with a bigger group and a few new faces.  After practicing some juggling skills with the soccer balls, we worked our way through a dryland technique progression then went for an easy run (the kids actually asked if they could dribble the soccer balls around the Range).

Double-pole armswing
I took a page out of Dragan Danevski's playbook and we did 8 x 30" running "intervals" at approximately 1 mile pace (pictured at the top of the blog). These are too short to be intervals, so they are more like a long speed than anything. Just enough to keep the legs fresh and remember that the point of training is to go faster. After that, we went through a handful of plyos and finished with a group stretch.

Since we only train together approximatley 1-4 sessions/wk, depending on the time of year, I want to expose the athletes to a variety of activities during our organized training. Then they can take what they have learned, and incorporate it into the training on their own. One of my biggest fears is "spoon feeding" training to the kids. I want them to learn how to do it, and to have excellent opportunities to excel, however I don't want to force it on them. If they are required to train on their own a few days/week, then the motivation will have to come from within.

I am encouraged to hear about the new USSA CMO, hopefully he will give the nordic sports our fair share of attention and market them in creative ways. He seems to have some awareness of how easy it should be, when he alludes to the fact that everybody and their mother is nowadays concerned with health and fitness. If only we can get the big execs to believe in new marketing opportunities in non-mainstream sports.

I don't have any interest in paying for cable TV, but I would gladly pay for 1 channel that gives me the big bike races, track & field / running events, and the nordic sports. Another option is to do what the Amgen Tour of California did with their live online video: full HD quality with almost no commercials! It put sportlemon to shame.

The Key Bank Vermont City Marathon is this week! I am participating as a part of the NENSA relay team. I'm sure lots of MNC coaches and athletes will be out there in some way. Until next week...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Learn to Rollerski Days / Rollerskiing in May??!!

I am pleased to announce that Mansfield Nordic Club, in partnership with NENSA, will offer two "Learn to Rollerski" days this summer for kids in the greater-Burlington area:
  • June 30th (1-3pm); Jericho, VT. Details on the NENSA calendar.
  • July 21 (1-3pm); Hinesburg, VT. Details for the event at NENSA.
Above is a photo from training yesterday at the Range. Bill, Henry, Liam, Parker and Forrest are working on some basic agility, balance, and body positioning drills. At this time of year my goal is to lead training sessions that address basic athletic skills in a fun way. Through the course of the year, we will transition from general fitness and skills, to more specific fitness and skills.

As I mentioned last week, we are using soccer balls as a key component of our weekly training sessions. We are doing warm-up runs while dribbling a ball, as well as playing some soccer and speed ball. Rather than running in a straight line at a steady velocity, running with a soccer ball demands lots of acceleration/deceleration, changing stride length and changing direction. The idea is that this will help strengthen the small stabilizer muscle groups that are not used when running/skiing/biking in a straight line. Strengthening the small muscle groups will, in theory, stave off injuries later in the season and in their careers.

The spring is a challenging time for coaching and training. The athletes are generally very motivated, because the prior race season is so fresh in their mind. Naturally, skiers think they can get ahead of their competition by doing a lot of training during May -- especially if they train daily and start rollerskiing! I find this a tough spot to be in: it is great to see motivated athletes, but do J2's and J1's really need to rollerski in May? Do they need 6 workouts/week? I think both are far from necessary for skiers on a year-round program. Is it my job to tell a kid to do less?! I don't know.

We are ever in a cycle between quality and quantity. While some see May as a time to get a leg up on the competition, I see it as a time to build a base for the summer training and to address deficiencies. When the weather is nice, get on a bike and put in a few hours of training. When it rains, get out for a run or take a day off. Play some ball sports and field sports. It seems so simple...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Backcountry Soccer-Golf

Backcountry Soccer-Golf, Year-Round Training, and Why Skiers go Further in Sport?

Yesterday was the first training session of the 2013 season for Mansfield Nordic Club athletes. It was an historic day for 2 reasons:
  1. the first-ever officially organized training during the month of May
  2. the first day of the first year we've ever had a full / year-round training structure
Having a diverse group of athletes, athletes that are just entering the realm of year-round training, and only 1 coach, I wanted to lead a session that was fun, kept the group together, and addressed skills that we don't always have as endurance athletes.

The solution? Backcountry Soccer-Golf. 

It is a mix of an adventure run/hike crossed with frisbie-golf. Only instead of chucking frisbees, we were kicking soccer balls through the woods. Low-score each hole got to do the fewest number of push-ups.

 Amy, Cally, Liam, Henry, Parker, and Bill up front

One of the greatest aspects of ski training is that we get to go on adventures. Operating on a long-term training plan, we can afford to have days that aren't 100% focused on a ski-specific task. With a 2 month track season, you don't have time to fool around: you should either be running, running fast on a track, or taking a day off. Training year-round for ski racing? Heeellllooo hiking, epic bike rides, running, swimming, soccer, strength, rollerskiing, yoga, speedball, basketball and rock climbing! We are the definition of crossfit. Focusing on being a skier invariably leads to more cross-training. We only have snow on the ground 30% of the year -- it is a necessity to practice other sports.

That is why skiers go on to be such great endurance athletes, in a wide-variety of sports. We don't specialize in one simple task from a young age... even the athletes that train year-round are participating in a wide range of activities. A large proportion of skiers continue training and competing beyond high school and college because they truly love sport, and because they have such a broad base in endurance sports.

Want proof? An NCAA ski champ was in the lead for the first 5km of the 2012 Boston Marathon (Glenn Randall - Boston Marathon). On the same weekend this past April, another NCAA All-American skier defended his title and won a $10,000 payout for a victory in the 5km (Ben True 5km 13:41). Former US Ski Team member Morgan Arritola won a world championship in trail running (XTERRA trail running champs) and current US Ski Teamer (and Montpelier VT native) Liz Stephen was 2nd in the same event (Skiers go 1-2 at world champs).

On a more somber note, last night I was saddened to see the following headline pop-up in my browser: "42% of Americans Obese by 2030."

As a coach working with young athletes, I make a pledge to keep that statistic as small as possible.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

MNC - May/June Training Schedule

"Comp Team" training begins next week! Please make sure you have filled out the online registration and submitted your payment before training begins.

Here is a list of dates/times/locations for our early-season training:

*unless otherwise announced, athletes should have the following for each practice: classic ski poles, running attire, water/food (and a frisbee or soccer ball if you have one!).

Monday 5/7: The Range (Jericho) 4:00 - 6:00pm.

Monday 5/14: The Range (Jericho) 4:00 - 6:00pm.

Monday 5/21: The Range (Jericho) 4:00 - 6:00pm.

Monday 5/28: The Range (Jericho) 4:00 - 6:00pm.

Monday 6/4: The Range (Jericho) 5:00 - 6:30pm (rollerskiing + running with Eric Tremble and Ethan Allen Biathlon Club).

Wednesday 6/6: The Range (Jericho) 4:00 - 6:00pm. 

Monday 6/11: The Range (Jericho) 5:00 - 6:30pm (rollerskiing + running with Eric Tremble and Ethan Allen Biathlon Club).

Wednesday 6/13: The Range (Jericho) 4:00 - 6:00pm.