Monday, July 30, 2012

"Save the Baby King" and more biathlon

This past Friday, Coach Erin Mallory lead a bonus workout called "Save the Baby King Adventure Race". This workout comes from the coaches out at Sun Valley SEF. Fifteen athletes showed up to Colchester high school for an event that is part brains and part brawn! The event included building shelter, searching for food, and a tractor-tire rolling component. From the reviews I heard, everyone had a great time.

Today we were back at the Range for a skate rollerski and more shooting with Algis Shalna, John Madigon, and Lanny and Tracy Barnes. It was a hot day so everybody was happy to take a few minutes respite to shoot. Feedback from our all-star biathlon coaches was that the girls once again out-shot the boys in terms of accuracy! We must have some Annie Oakleys. Thanks to the biathlon coaches for the opportunity. Tracy and Lanny Barnes have been two of the top biathletes in the country for the past 6-8 years. They've both raced in World Cups, finishing as high as 15th place! So we are lucky to have that kind of exposure to high-level athletes.

Tomorrow we have another bonus training up in Jeffersonville along Route 109 and Hogback Road. One of the most important factors in ski training (as in life) is consistency. We've had a group of 15-20 athletes that are training 3-4 days/week this summer. Now we're adding some bonus training and the athletes are able to get together as much as 5 days/wk. It is plain to see the forward progress of many of these athletes. While we still have road rash to clean nearly every day, the crew keeps pushing their comfort zone and improving.

On the horizon, we've got a big Camel's Hump hike planned for this coming Saturday, and we are going to have a rollerski and BBQ up in Milton the following Saturday! Stay tuned for more info about the BBQ.

And now, the pictures:

Preparing to save the King

Foraging for food

Louis, Jordan and Leslie on the trails

Griffin and Ethan making shelter

Nordic ski training = the original crossFit !!

That thing looks heavy!

Ethan John assisting Charlie Cobb as he swings across the moat

Emma narrowly escapes the fire-breathing dragons

Charlie, Ethan and Tatum all smiles. Long live the baby King Arthur Flour!

The eventual winners: Sam, Liam and Sienna. Liam is heading to St. Olaf and Sienna is heading to St Lawrence this fall.

And pictures from today:
Abby Grab from the BKL showing good form!

Looking south towards Smugg's

John and Algis give the safety instructions

Claire working on skate technique

Destyni practicing V2

Alice leads Leslie and Molly

Sienna, Emma, Amy, Autumn and Lucy

Gals get the safety briefing

No-pole skate warmup

Kayla demonstrates great progress in just 6 weeks of rollerskiing

Nathanael and Patrick goofing around, while climbing a big hill

BKL member Olivia Cuneo getting great ankle flex

Coach Paul Allison demonstrates a drill

Lanny Barnes oversees Bill Harmeyer shooting

Nice swimming hole

Will Kay working on his cornering

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Training 7/30 - 8/5; Pictures from this week

Next week, we will focus our training on higher volume. We will do long and sustained workouts at low-intensity.

Monday: 8:30am - 10:30 at the Range. Skate roll + specific strength.
Tuesday: (possible bonus for more advanced rollerskiers) Classic rollerski in the Jeffersonville-area. Approx 8:30-10:45am.
Wednesday: 8:30am - 10:30 at Sleepy Hollow. Adventure run/hike and bounding.
Thursday: 4:30pm-6:30pm at Charlotte Beach. Skate rollerski + speed work.
Saturday: 9:00am - early afternoon. Camel's Hump hike. Bring a friend / bring the family. We will do some high-intensity hiking/running during this workout. And we will try to get a huge group photo at the summit!

Photos from this past Monday and Wednesday:
On Monday we worked on skate rollerskiing at the Range. We did some drills followed by technique work and strength.

On Wednesday we trained at CVUHS. After our dryland drills warmup, the crew did a bunch of agility and plyometric drills, followed by short intervals on the track, uphill sprints, strength, and a game of speedball.

Griffin and Will "a la Michael Jordan" working on classic drills

CVU Boys Louis, Will and Thomas

Charlie Cobb looks like he got a good workout!

Parker and Sam in the foreground

Big group of skiers getting ready for some skate drills

more drills

Louis (foreground) is really strong!

Rachel doing some core strength


Craig Calhoun trying to emulate Dwight Howard

Plank and pushup sequence

Sprint, jump up and do a 360, then continue sprinting!

...more 360's

...and still more 360's. Working on coordination, balance, quickness, agility = basic athletic skills

Liam, Will, Nik and Sam looking strong on the track

5 pushups, then sprint up a short hill

Sprinting up the hill

Charlie Cobb gaining fitness

The Colchester boys stick together

Ethan J, Thomas, Griffin, and Nathanael on the track

Sprint up the hill and jump up/over the bleachers

Sienna leads a group of gals on the track

...Catching some air off the bleachers

Group warm-up with double pole drills

everybody sprinting!

Backwards somerault, then sprint up the hill

backwards somersaults

Finishing with a full-field game of speedball


Abdominal "doom sequence" as Justin Beckwith likes to call it

more doom sequence

Coach Weston explains why it is important to do basic skills work in addition to rollerskiing